“防衛心態 (Fang Wei Xin Tai)” by Da Mouth (大嘴巴)

Song Title: 防衛心態 / Fang Wei Xin Tai (Defensive Attitude)
Artist: Da Mouth (大嘴巴)
Album: 流感 (Influence)
Year: 2012

誰先承認愛的誰 先吃虧
shei xian cheng ren ai de shei xian chi kui
Whoever admits their love first is the first to suffer
誰最後離開的誰 最心碎
shei zui hou li kai de shei zui xin sui
Whoever is the last to leave is the most heartbroken
我不知不覺習慣 乾脆的更專業
wo bu zhi bu jue xi guan gan cui de geng zhuan ye
I’ve become unconsciously used to it, it’s just better off that way
佔了上風卻感覺 更虛偽
zhan le shang feng que gan jue geng xu wei
I had the upper-hand, but it feels fake

誰先認輸的誰就 先式微
shei xian ren shu de shei jiu xian shi wei
Whoever is the first to admit defeat is the first at a disadvantage
誰動作多的誰就 是膚淺
shei dong zuo duo de shei jiu shi fu qian
Whoever takes the most action is superficial
我不知不覺習慣 兩手一攤閉嘴
wo bu zhi bu jue xi guan liang shou yi tan bi zui
I’ve become unconsciously used to it, my two hands stifle it
刀槍步入卻感覺 要崩潰
dao qiang bu ru que gan jue yao beng kui
I brought in the big guns, but I feel like I’m going to collapse

(*) 愛明明到了嘴邊 卻凍結
ai ming ming dao liao zui bian que dong jie
Love is on the tip of my tongue, but it gets frozen
愛明明近在眼前 卻敷衍
ai ming ming jin zai yan qian que fu yan
Love is right in front of me, but I put forth minimal effort
切斷所有的方法 卻期待
qie duan suo you de fang fa que qi dai
I’ve cut off all my methods, but I’m waiting
你會像電影般突然出現 在面前
ni hui xiang dian ying ban tu ran chu xian zai mian qian
For you to suddenly appear in front of me like in the movies

(**) 說不出的愛 怕受到傷害 倔強背對 等你走過來
shuo bu chu de ai pa shou dao shang hai jue jiang bei dui deng ni zou guo lai
The love I don’t speak for fear I’ll get hurt, I stubbornly turn my back, waiting for you to go away
我拒絕坦白 自尊在作怪 只好假裝全都不希罕
wo ju jue tan bai zi zun zai zuo guai zhi hao jia zhuang quan dou bu xi han
I refuse to be honest, my pride is causing trouble, I have to pretend like nothing’s wong
說不出的愛 怕弱被看穿 在你心裡我有沒有未來
shuo bu chu de ai pa ruo bei kan chuan zai ni xin li wo you mei you wei lai
The love I don’t speak for fear I’ll be seen through, do I have any future in your heart?
失去愛 苦笑看自己為難
shi qu ai ku xiao kan zi ji wei nan
I’ve lost my love, forcing a smile seeing myself so awkward

那就隨緣 不要客氣 沒關係
na jiu sui yuan bu yao ke qi mei guan xi
It’s my karma, don’t worry about it, it’s okay
yi tian jiang ge bai ba shi bian
I say it 180 times a day
真的無所謂的到底有幾遍 到底有幾遍 我看不超過一手之間
zhen de wu suo wei de dao di you ji bian dao di you ji bian wo kan bu chao guo yi shou zhi jian
It really doesn’t matter how many times I repeat it over and over again, I never achieve anything

誰給了承諾的誰 就有罪
shei gei ji le cheng nuo de shei jiu you zui
Whoever makes the promise is the guilty one
誰都沒說愛的誰 就不配
shei dou mei mo shuo ai de shei jiu bu pei
Whoever hasn’t spoken their love is unqualified
我不知不覺習慣 話圓的越來越美
wo bu zhi bu jue xi guan hua yuan de yue lai yue mei
I unconsciously got used to it, the words are getting more and more beautiful
愛到最後卻感覺 越怕黑
ai dao zui hou que gan jue yue pa hei
Love has reached the end, but I feel more afraid of the dark


an jing xia lai fa xian zi ji mei biao mian jing cai
It quieted down and I discovered that I’m not so wonderful
zheng tian fang zhu shi qu cuo guo le geng duo wei lai
All day long, I’m trying to protect against losing anymore of my future
全部的迂迴線路 該截彎取直往前
quan bu de yu hui xian lu gai jie wan qu zhi wang qian
All the detours that cut straight through
離開自欺安全地帶 才能接近愛
li kai zi qi an quan di dai cai neng jie jin ai
Leaving my comfort zone, I’m close to being able to love


“星期三的信 (Xing Qi San De Xin)” by Bibi Zhou (周笔畅)

Song Title: 星期三的信 / Xing Qi San De Xin (Wednesday’s Letter)
Artist: Bibi Zhou (周笔畅)
Album: i,魚,光,鏡 / i,Yu,Guang,Jing (i, Fish, Light, Mirror)
Year: 2010

Wo yao gei ni xing qi san de xin
I want to give you Wednesday’s letter
Li mian su shuo zhe wo men de ai qing
Inside, it tells of our love
Wo yao gei ni xing qi san de xin
I want to give you Wednesday’s letter
Li mian ke hua zhe wo men de guo qu
Inside, it paints a picture of our past
Wo yao gei ni xing qi san de xin
I want to give you Wednesday’s letter
Yi qi qu graceland chuang zao shu yu wo men de qi ji
Going to Graceland together, creating a miracle that belongs to us
Wo yao gei ni xing qi san de xin
I want to give you Wednesday’s letter
Li mian ji zai le shi jian de mi mi
Inside, the secrets of time are recorded
Wo xi huan ni you er shi ge yuan yin
There are 20 reasons why I like you
Zhe shi zai hao de xing rong dou bu gou mei li
It’s just beyond description
Qie rang wo liu bai biao shi an jing
So let me leave a blank to signify the peace
Zui hao qian ge ming zheng shi dong le xin
Finally, I sign my name to verify my heart
Wo yao gei ni xing qi san de xin
I want to give you Wednesday’s letter
Feng cun wo de xiao xin yi
Sealing in my small feelings

Wo yao gei ni xing qi san de xin
I want to give you Wednesday’s letter
Li mian su shuo zhe wo men de ai qing
Inside, it tells of our love
Wo yao gei ni xing qi san de xin
I want to give you Wednesday’s letter
Li mian ke hua zhe wo men de guo qu
Inside, it paints a picture of our past
Wo yao gei ni xing qi san de xin
I want to give you Wednesday’s letter
Yi qi qu graceland chuang zao shu yu wo men de qi ji
Going to Graceland together, creating a miracle that belongs to us
Wo yao gei ni xing qi san de xin
I want to give you Wednesday’s letter
Li mian ji zai le shi jian de mi mi
Inside, the secrets of time are recorded
Wo xi huan ni you er shi ge yuan yin
There are 20 reasons why I like you
Zhi shi zai hao de gu shi dou hui you jie ju
But all good stories must come to an end
Qie rang wo liu bai biao shi an jing
So let me leave a blank to signify the peace
Zui hao qian ge ming zheng shi dong le xin
Finally, I sign my name to verify my heart
Wo yao gei ni xing qi san de xin
I want to give you Wednesday’s letter
Feng cun wo de xiao xin yi
Sealing in my small feelings
Jiu suan lao qu si qu
Even if we get old and die
Jiu suan mei you xing qi san de xin
Even if there is no Wednesday’s letter
Wo hai shi yi yang ai ni
I still love you the same

“謝謝光臨 (Xie Xie Guang Lin)” by CoLoR

Song Title: 謝謝光臨 / Xie Xie Guang Lin (Thank You For Coming)
Artist: CoLoR
Album: Color Man
Year: 2011

別懷疑 幸福的廣告唬來唬去
Bie hua yi xing fu de guang gao hu lai hu qu
Don’t doubt the happy advertisements are deceiving
卻可以 讓更多靈魂前仆後繼
Que ke yi rang geng duo ling hun qian pu ho ji
But they can make more souls fight onward
有人來 有人去 它招呼著生意 又是傷心結局
You ren lai you ren qu ta zhao hu zhe sheng yi you shi xiang xin jie ju
People come, people go, it’s the business of greeting and also is a sad ending

(*) 警告你 越甜的愛越容易過季
Jing gao ni yue tian de ai yue rong yi guo ji
I’m warning you, the sweeter the love, the easier it is to pass the seasons
不在意 熱烈進來卻哭著出去
Bu zai yi re lie jin lai que ku zhe chu qu
Carelessly coming in warmly but crying on the way out
每個人 男或女 都算計著盈餘 連說再見都要分輸贏
Mei ge ren nan huo nv dou suan ji zhe ying yu lian shuo zai jian dou you fen shu ying
Everyone, both men and women, all are calculating the profit, even saying good-bye has a winner and a loser

(**) 歡迎光臨愛情 最動人的愛情
Huan ying guang lin ai qing zui dong ren de ai qing
Welcome, love, the most touching love
美的莫名 結局卻總是很離奇
Mei de mo ming jie ju que zong shi hen li qi
Beautifully difficult to express, the ending is always quite strange
Yi ke xin dao di you ji tiao ming
A heart has several lives in the end

(***) 謝謝光臨愛情 最傷人的愛情
Xie xie guang lin ai qing zui shang ren de ai qing
Thank you for coming, love, the most wounding love
有人裝病 有人痛過卻不死心
You ren zhuang bing you ren tong guo que bu si xin
Some people fake sick, some people are hurt but don’t give up
痊癒的人沒發現自己 已死去
Quen yu de ren mei fa xian zi ji yi si qu
The recovered people haven’t discovered they’re already dead


謝謝光臨 我的愛情
Xie xie guan lin wo de ai qing
Thank you for coming, my love
Xie xie guang lin
Thank you for coming

“一滴泪的距离 (Yi Di Lei De Ju Li)” by Bibi Zhou (周笔畅)

Song Title: 一滴泪的距离 / Yi Di Lei De Ju Li (The Distance of a Tear)
Artist: Bibi Zhou (周笔畅)
Album: i,魚,光,鏡 / i,Yu,Guang,Jing (i, Fish, Light, Mirror)
Year: 2010

窗外雷雨 我站在屋裡
Chuang wai lei yu wo zhan zai wu li
It’s thunderstorming outside the window, I stand in my room
看著地球儀 在回憶
Kan zhe de qiu yi zai hui yi
Looking at the globe, lost in memories
不該想起 不久的過去
Bu gai xiang qi bu jiu de guo qu
I shouldn’t think about it, soon it will pass
Wo hai ji de na ge shi hou ni de yi fu you yi di yan lei
I still remember that time your clothes had a little tear
遺憾 很愛 那天還下著雨
Yi han hen ai na tian hai xia zhe yu
Regret, so much love, it was raining that day too

命運的微風 吹過了多少路名
Ming yun de wei feng chui guo le duo shao lu ming
How many road names have the winds of destiny blown?
Yuan lai ren dou bu dong
The original people don’t understand
Na yan lei de ju li
The distance of that tear
Shi duo chang de shiji
It’s a long century
Shi yong yuan de yin ying
It’s an eternal shadow

多少公里 等於愛情
Duo shao gong li deng yu ai qing
How many kilometers are equal to love?
幾時能見面 不一定
Ji shi neng jian mian bu yi ding
When can we meet? It’s uncertain
Wang le xiang qi
I forgot to remember
Xiang le you wang ji
I thought about it and forgot
You de de ming zou le zhi hou yuan de rang ni zai ye hui bu qu
Some place names are so far gone, they won’t let you go back again
我知道 很好
Wo zhi dao hen hao
I know full well
Na di fang zhu zhe ni
That place resides with you

命運的微風 吹過了多少路名
Ming yun de wei feng chui guo le duo shao lu ming
How many road names have the winds of destiny blown?
Yuan lai ren dou bu dong
The original people don’t understand
Na yan lei de ju li
The distance of that tear
是多長的事情 是永遠的陰影
Shi duo chang de shi qing shi yong yuan de yin ying
It’s a long situation, it’s an eternal shadow

Shei mo shou le na xie ai
Who confiscated those loves?
往前飛吧 就別回來
Wang qian fei ba jiu bie hui lai
Fly ahead, don’t come back
Yao fei guo duo shao lu wo cai ming bai
How many paths must I fly until I understand?

命運的微風 吹過了多少路名
Ming yun de wei feng chui guo le duo shao lu ming
How many road names have the winds of destiny blown?
原來人都不懂 I miss U missing me
Yuan lai ren dou bu dong I miss you missing me
The original people don’t understand, I miss you missing me
那眼淚的距離 I miss U missing me
Na yan lei de ju li I miss you missing me
The distance of that tear, I miss you missing me
一滴淚的距離 I miss U missing me
Yi di lei de ju li I miss you missing me
The distance of a tear, I miss you missing me
I miss U I miss U I miss U missing me

“心跳 (Xin Tiao)” by Leehom Wang (王力宏)

Song Title: 心跳 / Xin Tiao (Heartbeat)
Artist: Leehom Wang (王力宏)
Album: 心跳 / Xin Tiao (Heartbeat)
Year: 2008

(*) 想跟我吵架 我沒那麼無聊
Xiang gen wo chao jia, wo mei na me wu liao
You want to argue with me, I’m not that bored
不懂得道歉 我沒那麼聰明
Bu dong de dao qian, wo mei na me cong ming
I apologize without understanding, I’m not that smart
Hao xiang yao hui dao wo men de yuan dian
I really want to go back to our good times

你又在哭泣 我給不了安慰
Ni you zai ku qi, wo gei bu liao an wei
You’re crying again, I can’t give you comfort
我又在搖頭 有那麼點後悔
Wo you zai yao tou, you na me dian hou hui
I’m shaking my head again, I’m at that point of regret
Ai qing de fa zhan yi nan yi hui tou que wu fa wang qian zou
The development of our love makes it difficult to turn back, but unable to move forward

(**) 但身不由己出現在胸口
Dan shen bu you yi chu xian zai xiong kou
But, in spite of myself, it has appeared in my chest
Liang ke xin neng sai ji ge wen hao
How many question marks can be stuffed into two hearts?
Ai rang wo men liu duo shao yan lei
How many tears has love made us shed?

(***) 你的眼神充滿美麗帶走我的心跳
Ni de yan shen chong man mei li dai zou wo de xin tiao
Your eyes are full of beauty that takes away my heartbeat
Ni de wen rou ru ci kao jin dai zou wo de xin tiao
Your tenderness is so near, taking away my heartbeat
逆轉時光到一開始 能不能給一秒
Ni zhuan shi guang dao yi kai shi, neng bu neng gei yi miao
Turn back time to the beginning, can you give me a moment?
Deng zhe na yi tian ni ye xiang qi
I’m waiting for the day you’ll also think of
Na xuan zai ji yi zhong de mei hao
That happiness suspended in your memory


“因為有你 (Because I Have You)” by JPM

Song Title: 因為有你 / Yin Wei You Ni (Because I Have You)
Artist: JPM
Album: Moonwalk (月球漫步)
Year: 2011


(*) 我心裡想什麼 不說你也能夠懂
Wo xin li xiang shen me bu shuo ni ye neng guo dong
I’ve been feeling something in my heart, I haven’t told you so you can understand it
傷心難過的時候 還有你聽我訴說 my friend
Shang xin nan guo de shi hou hai you ni ting wo su shuo my friend
When I’m feeling down, I still have you to listen to me, my friend
經歷那麼多 創造的那些感動 
Jing li na me duo chuang zao de na xie gan dong
My experiences created so many of those feelings
一點一滴在心頭 謝謝你陪我走過
Yi dian yi di zai xin tou xie xie ni pei wo zou guo
Little by little in my heart, thank you for accompanying me

你跟我說 傷心會幫我沒收 
Ni gen wo shuo shang xing hui bang wo mo shou
You told me you’d help me confiscate the sadness
失落會幫我趕走 難過時還有我
Shi lue hui bang wo gan zou nan gu shi hui you wo
And expel the loss and difficult times that I still have
每次聽到你真心問候 有說不出的感動
Mei ci ting dao ni zhen xin wen hou you shuo bu chu de gan dong
Every time I hear your sincere words, I have feelings I can’t express

(**) 我的心因為有你不寂寞 
Wo de xin yin wei you ni bu ji mo
Because I have you, my heart isn’t lonely
Wu lun fa sheng shen me dou pei wo
No matter what happens, you’re accompanying me
一路上幫我加油 只要你陪我 
Yi lu shang bang wo jia you zhi you ni pei wo
On this journey, helping me to fight on, I just need you to accompany me
Yi qi wan cheng wo de meng
Completing my dreams together

Wo de xin yin wei ni bu ji mo
Because I have you, my heart isn’t lonely
Wo lun reu he dou zai wo zuo you
No matter the direction
不管未來多難走 只要你陪我
Bu guan wei lai duo nan zou zhi yao ni pei wo
Regardless of the future difficulties, I just need you to accompany me
Zhi dao shi jie mo ri de jin tou
Until the final day of the end of the world


Ceng jing chuang zhao de gan dong
Once the stirred up feelings
Mei fen mei miao ke zai wo nao hai zhong
Were engraved into my mind every minute, every second
Ji de na tian tai tou wang xiang tian kong
I remember the day I looked up at the sky
手指天 肩並肩 許下的承諾
Shou zhi tian jian bing jian xu xia de cheng nuo
And made a pinky-promise with heaven

請你相信我 當你傷心難過
Qing ni xiang xin wo dang ni shang xin nan guo
Please believe me, when you’re feeling down
我會在你身後 陪在你的左右
Wo hui zai ni shen hou pei zai ni de zuo you
I’ll be right behind you, accompanying you on your left and right
傷心會沒收 失落會趕走
Shang xin hui mo shou shi luo hui gan zou
Sadness will be confiscated, loss will be expelled
路途在遙遠 你還是有我
Lu tu zai yao yuan ni hai shi you wo
On this long road, you still have me

Qing ni bu yao zai hai pa
There’s no need to be scared anymore
Wo yi jing bu hai pa
I’m already not afraid
永遠是My Dear Friend
Yong yuan shi my dear friend
For eternity, my dear friend
Bu hui fen ni wo ta
We’ll never part

Ji shi zuo zhe bu tong de meng
Even if we’re following different dreams
Hai shi zhen xi guo qu de suo you
I still cherish everything of the past
謝謝為我 謝謝有你
Xie xie wei wo xie xie you ni
Thank you, thank you for being there for me
我會堅強 因為有你
Wo hui jian qiang yin wei you ni
I will be strong because I have you


“說愛你 (Say I Love You)” by Jolin Tsai (蔡依林)

Song Title: 說愛你 / Shuo Ai Ni (Say I Love You)
Artist: Jolin Tsai (蔡依林)
Album: Magic
Year: 2003


(*) 我的世界 變得奇妙更難以言喻
Wo de shi jie bian de qi miao geng nan yi yan yu
My world has become wonderful and hard to put into words
還以為 是從天而降的夢境
Hai yi wei shi cong tian er jiang de meng jing
I still feel like it’s a dream from heaven
直到確定 手的溫度來自你心裡
Zhi dao que ting shou de wen du lai zhi ni xin li
Until I could confirm that the warmth of your hand came from your heart
這一刻 我終於勇敢說愛你
Zhe yi ke / wo chong yu yong gan shuo ai ni
At this moment, I’ve finally gathered the courage to say “I love you”

(**) 一開始 我只顧著看你
Yi kai shi wo zhi ku zhe kan ni
At the beginning, I only stared at you
裝做不經意 心卻飄過去
Zhuang zuo bu jin yi xin que piao guo qu
Pretending it was an accident when my heart floated after you
還竊喜 你 沒發現我 躲在角落
Hai qie xi ni mei fa xian wo duo zai jiao luo
I was secretly happy you didn’t notice me hiding in the corner
忙著快樂 忙著感動 從彼此陌生到熟
Mang zhe kuai le mang zhe gan dong cong bi ci mo sheng dao shu
Busy being happy, busy being touched, from the days we were strangers to being close
會是我們從沒想過 真愛 到現在 不敢期待
Hui shi wo men cong wei xiang guo zhen ai dao xian zai bu gan qi dai
I never imagined true love until now

(***) 要證明自己 曾被你想起 really
Yao zhen ming zi ji ceng bei ni xiang qi really
How can you prove that you really think about me?
我胡思亂想就從今天起 I wish
Wo hu si luan xiang jiu cong jin tian qi I wish
Let my imagination run away from today, I wish
像一個陷阱 卻從未猶豫 相信
Xiang yi ge xian jing que cong wei you yu xiang xin
It’s like a trap, but I’ve never hesitated in believing
你真的願意 就請給我驚喜
Ni zhen de yuan yi jiu qing gei wo jing xi
If you’re really willing, please give me a surprise

(****) 關於愛情 過去沒有異想的結局
Guan yu ai qing guo qu mei you yi xiang de jie ju
Regarding love, I never imagined this result
那天起 卻顛覆了自己邏輯
Na tian qi que dian fu le zi ji luo ji
From that day on, my whole logic has been turned upside down
我的懷疑 所有答案因你而明白
Wo de huai yi sou you da an yin ni er ming bai
All my suspicions and answers are understood because of you
轉啊轉 就真的遇見 Mr.right
Zhuan a zhuan jiu zhen de yu jian Mr. Right
I’ve turned and turned and really found my Mr. Right


“I’m Sorry” by Cindy Yen (袁詠琳)

Song Title: I’m Sorry
Artist: Cindy Yen (袁詠琳)
Album: Cindy
Year: 2009


Tian hai mei liang de sheng yin
Heaven still doesn’t have a bright voice
Zhi ting jian wo zi ji
I can only hear myself

Ai le juan le leng le de xin
My loved, weary, cold heart
Hong le shi le yan jing
My red, wet eyes

我們都沒錯 你只想往前飛
Wo men dou mei cuo ni zhi xiang wang qian fei
Neither of us are at fault, you only wanted to fly forward
卻徹底忽略 我還在你的身邊
Que che di hu lue wo hai zai ni de shen bian
Though I was completely neglected, I still stayed by your side
你太沉醉 愛侵蝕的好累
Ni tai chen zui ai qin shi de hao lei
You were too intoxicated, so tired of love’s erosion
我在等的 我在愛的是誰
Wo zai deng de wo zai ai de shi shei
Who am I waiting for? Who am I in love with?

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, so sorry
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, so sorry
心事在角落哭好久 而你是在想什麼呢
Xin shi zai jiao luo ku hao jiu er ni shi zai xiang shen me ne
Worried, crying in the corner for so long, and what are you thinking?
I’m sorry, so sorry, a million times I’m sorry
I’m sorry, so sorry, a million times I’m sorry
背叛自己 我 不再愛你
Bei pan zi ji wo bu zai ai ni
I betrayed myself, I won’t love you again

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, so sorry
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, so sorry
放開的手冷了好久 你到底想要什麼呢
Fang kai de shou leng le hao jiu ni dao di xiang yao shen me ne
I release your hand, it’s been cold for so long, what on earth do you want?
I’m sorry, so sorry, a million times I’m sorry
I’m sorry, so sorry, a million times I’m sorry
背叛自己 我 不再愛你
Bei pan zi ji wo bu zai ai ni
I betrayed myself, I won’t love you again

Forgive me,forgive me…

“24個比利 (24 Billys)” by Wilber Pan (潘瑋柏)

Song Title: 24個比利 / Ar Shi Si Ge Bi Li (24 Billys)
English Title: “The Minds of Billy Milligan”
Artist: Wilber Pan (潘瑋柏)
Album: The Story of Billy (24個比利)
Year: 2012


我是我 他是我 你是我 那我是誰
Wo shi wo, ta shi wo, ni shi wo, na wo shi shei
I am me, he is me, you are me, who’s that me?
我是他 我是你 我是我 那我是誰
Wo shi ta, wo shi ni, wo shi wo, na wo shi shei
I am him, I am you, I am me, who’s that me?
我是我 他是我 你是我 那我是誰
Wo shi wo, ta shi wo, ni shi wo, na wo shi shei
I am me, he is me, you are me, who’s that me?
我是他 我是你 我是我 那你是誰
Wo shi ta, wo shi ni, wo shi wo, na ni shi shei
I am him, I am you, I am me, who’s that you?

(*) 體內的細胞正在蠢蠢欲動
Ti nei de xi bao zheng zai chun chun yu dong
The cells inside the body are stirring up trouble
Bu zhi ming de mian mao zai yi du kong jian ling yu shun jian zhuan dong
An unknown face from a strange realm turns in the blink of an eye
Yi yahng de yan guang quan dou zhu shi zhe wo
Different gazes are all staring at me
Bu zhi qing de qing ni xiao xin yin wei wo ke neng wu fa cheng shou
Be careful of the things you don’t know, because I might not be able to bear it
太多 太多
Tai duo tai duo
It’s too much, too much

Bi li: Zhe shi wo de shen ti dan wo fa xian wo que bu shi wei yi
(Billy): This is my body, but I’ve discovered I’m not alone
Ge ge ge ti dou zai fen li ji shi ji he ji ge ju ji zai wo xin di
One by one, they’re all separating, when? At what time? How many? Gathering at the bottom of my heart
Shuo shen me shi huang jin bi li
The one speaking is Gold Billy
Ta men fen ming xi huan jue li
They clearly enjoy fighting
Ru he neng gong ti gong cun cheng wei wei yi de xi ti
How can they share a body and coexist to become one problem?

Ru qi: Wo you ge mi mi mi mi
(Ricky): I’ve got some secrets
Cang zai wo de xin li xin li
Hidden in my heart, in my heart
Ben zun ta hao wu xiang qing bu zhi shei xian shen de shi ji
Even the deities have no details and don’t know whose turn it is to emerge

Tuo bi: qing ni bu yao gao mi
(Toby): Please don’t tell on me
Wo sui shi hui bao fa
I’ll explode at any time
你看的是我 但你看到並不是我
Ni kan de shi wo dan ni kan dao bing bu shi wo
The one you’re looking at is me, but you really haven’t seen me
你面對就是我 但我早就已經就不是我
Ni mian dui jiu shi wo dan wo zao jiu yi jing jiu bu shu wo
The one you’re facing is me, but for a long time already I haven’t been me


(GO CRAZY)誰 誰 誰 我到底是誰
(Go crazy) Shei shei shei wo dao de shi shei
(Go crazy) Who? Who? Who? Who on earth am I?
(GO CRAZY)誰 誰 誰 我到底是誰
(Go crazy) Shei shei shei wo dao di shi shei
(Go crazy) Who? Who? Who? Who on earth am I?

What’s my name? Now one more, what’s my name?

比利:時間幾點幾分當時我到底哪個你 又躲在哪裡
Bi li: shi jian ji dian ji fen dan shi wo dao di na ge ni you duo zai na li
(Billy): What hour, what minute was it when I ended up at which one of you? And where were you hiding?
湯米:請你不要再逼我 請相信我聽不懂
Tang mi: qing ni bu yao zai bi wo, qing xiang xin wo ding bu dao
(Tommy): Please don’t force me again, please believe that I don’t understand!
馬里:我也都看不清 離開了光明
Ma li: wo ye tou kan bu qing, li kai le guang ming
(Mary): I also can’t make it out, the lights went out
蘇奇:顛覆了黑夜白天 你的尊重決定我的在場証明
Su qi: dian fu le hei ye bai tian, ni de zun zhong jue ding wo de zai chang zheng ming
(Zuki): It reverses day and night, your respect chooses my present manifestation

SO 慢慢
So man man
So slowly
Chou li kai and go
Take a breath and go
Huo kuai kuai
Or quickly
Huan xing hou zi you
Be free after waking up
誰存活 誰逃脫
Shei cun huo, she tao tuo
Who survived? Who escaped?
Wo gai zhi shu yu yi ge wo
I should only belong to one of me
Bie tai duo body body
Don’t have too many body, bodies
Bu yao zai move move
There’s no need to move move again
哭笑 酷肖 苦笑不得
Ku xiao ku xiao ku xiao bu de
Crying and laughing, being silent, forcing a smile, I must not


(GO CRAZY)誰 誰 誰 我到底是誰
(Go crazy) Shei shei shei wo dao de shi shei
(Go crazy) Who? Who? Who? Who on earth am I?
(GO CRAZY)誰 誰 誰 我到底是誰
(Go crazy) Shei shei shei wo dao di shi shei
(Go crazy) Who? Who? Who? Who on earth am I?

我是我 他是我 你是我 那我是誰
Wo shi wo, ta shi wo, ni shi wo, na wo shi shei
I am me, he is me, you are me, who’s that me?
我是他 我是你 我是我 那我是誰
Wo shi ta, wo shi ni, wo shi wo, na wo shi shei
I am him, I am you, I am me, who’s that me?
我是我 他是我 你是我 那我是誰
Wo shi wo, ta shi wo, ni shi wo, na wo shi shei
I am me, he is me, you are me, who’s that me?
我是他 我是你 我是我 那你是誰
Wo shi ta, wo shi ni, wo shi wo, na ni shi shei
I am him, I am you, I am me, who’s that you?

(GO CRAZY)誰 誰 誰 我到底是誰
(Go crazy) Shei shei shei wo dao de shi shei
(Go crazy) Who? Who? Who? Who on earth am I?
(GO CRAZY)誰 誰 誰 我到底是誰
(Go crazy) Shei shei shei wo dao di shi shei
(Go crazy) Who? Who? Who? Who on earth am I?
(GO CRAZY)誰 誰 誰 我到底是誰
(Go crazy) Shei shei shei wo dao de shi shei
(Go crazy) Who? Who? Who? Who on earth am I?
(GO CRAZY)誰 誰 誰 我到底是誰
(Go crazy) Shei shei shei wo dao di shi shei
(Go crazy) Who? Who? Who? Who on earth am I?

“大城小愛 (Big City, Small Love)” by Wang Leehom (王力宏)

Song Title: 大城小愛 / Da Cheng Xiao Ai (Big City, Small Love)
Artist: Wang Leehom (王力宏)
Album: Heroes of Earth (蓋世英雄)
Year: 2005


烏黑的髪尾 盤成一個圏 纏繞所有對妳的眷戀
Wu hei de fa wei pan cheng yi ge juan chan rao suo you dui ni de juan lian
Your black ponytail is twisted in a bun, intertwining all your nostalgia
隔著半透明門簾 嘴裡説的語言 完全沒有欺騙
Ge zhu ban tou ming men lian zui li shuo de wan quan mei you qi pian
Parting the translucent door curtains, the words your mouth says gives everything away

屋頂灰色瓦片 安静的畫面 燈火是妳美麗那張臉
Wu ding hui se wa pian an jing de hua mian deng huo shi ni mei li na zhang lian
The grey tiles of the room, a silent picture, the lights are that beautiful face of yours
終於找到所有流浪終點 妳的微笑結束了 疲倦
Zhong yu zhao dao suo you liu lang zhong dian ni de wei xiao jie shu le pi juan
At last I’ve found the destination of all wanderers, your smile lifts my exhastion

千萬不要説天長地久 免得妳感覚我不切實際
Qian wan bu yao shuo tian chang di jiu mian de ni gan jue wo bu qie shi ji
I don’t want to say we’ll last forever, I don’t want you to think I’m impractical
想多縻簡單 就多縻簡單 是媽媽告訴我的哲理
Xiang duo mo jian dan jiu duo mo jian dan shi ma ma gao su wo de zhe li
If you think it’s that simple, it’ll be that simple, that’s the philosophy my mother told me

(*) 腦袋都是妳 心裡都是妳
Dao dai dou shi ni xin li dou shi ni
You’re on my mind, you’re in my heart
Xiao xiao dei ai zai da cheng li hao tian mi
A little love in a big city is so sweet
唸的都是妳 全部都是妳
Nian de dou shi ni quan bu dou shi ni
You’re everything I read, my everything is you
小小的愛 在大城裡只妳傾心
Xiao xiao de ai zai da cheng li zhi ni qing
A little love in a big city, I only have a soft spot for you

烏黑的髪尾 盤成一個圏 纏繞所有對妳的眷戀
Wu hei de fa wei pan cheng yi ge juan chan rao suo you dui ni de juan lian
Your black ponytail is twisted in a bun, intertwining all your nostalgia
終於找到所有流浪終點 妳的微笑結束了疲倦
Zhong yu zhao dao suo you liu lang zhong dian ni de wei xiao jie shu le pi juan
At last I’ve found the destination of all wanderers, your smile lifts my exhastion

千萬不要説天長地久 免得妳感覚我不切實際
Qian wan bu yao shuo tian chang di jiu mian de ni gan jue wo bu qie shi ji
I don’t want to say we’ll last forever, I don’t want you to think I’m impractical
想多縻簡單 就多縻簡單 譲我大聲地對妳説 I’m thinking of you.
Xiang duo mo jian dan jiu duo mo jian dan rang wo da sheng de dui ni shuo I’m thinking of you
If you think it’s that simple, it’ll be that simple, let me tell you loudly that I’m thinking of you


那回程的票根 妳留做記念
Na hui cheng de piao gen ni liu zuo ji nian
That return ticket stub, you keep it as a souvenir
Bu bi hai pa mian dui li bie
You don’t need to be afraid of facing our separation
剪掉一束頭髪 譲我放在胸前
jian diao yi shu tou fa rang wo fang zai xiong qian
Cut off a piece of your hair and let me hold it to my chest
走到哪裡有妳陪 相随
Zou dao na li you ni pei xiang sui
So whenever I go anywhere, you’ll be with me


烏黑的髪尾 盤成一個圏 纏繞所有對妳的眷戀
Wu hei de fa wei pan cheng yi ge juan chan rao suo you dui ni de juan lian
Your black ponytail is twisted in a bun, intertwining all your nostalgia
那一種寸前歩不離的感覚 我知道就叫做永遠
Na yi zhong cun qian bu bu li de gan jue wo zhi dao jiu jiao zuo yong yuan
That feeling of taking those first tiny steps, I know it’s called forever

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